“Entertaining stuff. Fun stuff,” I answered.
“Like what?”
I thought for a moment and finally said, “Go to your room!”
I really hadn’t thought it out that far.
So I experimented. Comic essays, writing advice, anecdotes, reviews, rants, travelogues, recommendations, contests, profiles, book excerpts, answering questions. I figured at some point a defining direction would emerge.
And what I’ve found is this: no direction is my direction.
And that’s fine. I don’t know if I could have made it to 2000 otherwise, especially posting new content every day. I certainly don’t have 2000 pieces of advice. And I doubt I could wring out 2000 reviews of HOUSE HUSBANDS OF HOLLYWOOD.
The joy of this blog is having the freedom to write whatever the hell I want without some recent graduate of Sarah Lawrence telling me I need to “up the stakes”. The even greater joy is meeting all of you.
So for today I’d like to turn things around. I'd like to hear from you. Especially you lurkers. I’m always curious – how did you stumble upon this blog in the first place? How long have you been here? Where are you from? And what types of posts do you like or not like?
Thanks so much for your continued indulgence of my creative fancy. And thanks in advance for writing me back.
On to the next 2000! Oy. That sounds like a lot.
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