And your lovely comments were especially welcomed yesterday because I was reeeeally pissed at our president.
Not for any policy he proposed or speech he gave. Not for any program he wants to institute. It’s because…
HE WAS HERE! In Los Angeles.
Completely fucking up the traffic. The entire Westside of the city from Hancock Park to the beach was in complete gridlock so one guy could zip around and make campaign appearances. LAX was closed last night thus diverting flights to Ontario and probably Portland.
And this morning he completely snarled up the Westside yet again, this time during morning rush hour as he made his way back to LAX, causing major inconvenience, half a million people late for work or appointments – and here’s the worst part:
He was in a fucking helicopter! So why the hell were the streets all closed? Roads leading to the Staples Center aren’t blocked when Kobe Bryant helicopters in for Laker games. Does Obama want the option of landing along the route if he sees an In & Out Burger so everything has to be cleared for fifty miles?? Here’s a news flash Mr. President, the kids making the In & Out burgers aren’t there because they can’t get to work because the fucking streets are all closed!
Nixon used to come to town – it was never like this. Reagan was here all the time – no problem. Clinton would show up and as long as you didn’t live on Barbra Streisand’s block or near the Playboy Mansion you weren’t inconvenienced. But Obama literally caused a traffic jam of epic proportions. And it’s not like he was in LA to attend a crucial summit that would end the war in Afghanistan. No. He was going to producer John Wells house for a fund raiser.
So in the future here’s my stand: Other than Sarah Palin (because I will never vote for Sarah Palin ever for anything, even if she’s running for hall monitor) I will now vote for whatever candidate (Democrat or Republican) promises to NEVER COME TO LOS ANGELES during the length of his term.
That’s it. Save the rhetoric. Skip the debates. You want my vote? Do whatever the hell you want in Washington just stay out of my town. How's this for a slogan? Forget NO NEW TAXES. How about NO BARRICADES WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO DRIVE TWO BLOCKS TO PICK UP A FUCKING LOAF OF BREAD?
As much as it would be a thrill to meet the President of the United States, more important is knowing I can get to In & Out.
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