Friday, July 1, 2011

insanity workout calendar

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  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:20 PM
    Early June. Its middle of July. Where is it? Wheres the player? They're showing of a prototype disc? Its world away from ever reaching my computer.

    So one company doesn't display it that means that the other companies that are working on it couldn't have it out by end of 2006/early 2007 as I stated earlier?

    Dell didn't release a workstation. Hp must not either

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  • that the Insanity Workout

  • SeaFox
    Dec 27, 10:02 PM
    I�m waiting on buying a HD DVD or BlueRay until the price comes down, so I could see iTV offering a HD alternative, and filling that niche.
    I'm waiting for one format or the other to win, and I don't have an HD set anyway.

    What else could be practical? Of course it will have a hard drive� a cable box DVR has a hard drive.
    You're comparing apples to oranges now. A cable box is a tuner and a self-contained unit. As far as we know, iTV will not have a tuner. Its only known function at this time is to stream content from a Mac, so that makes iTV like a Slingbox, not a cableco DVR. And Slingboxes don't have hard drives.

    If it also has the ability to surf the web and run a word processor, handle video from DVR and digital camera, I�ll get one�
    I wouldn't hold my breath on the word processing and web surfing. WebTV showed surfing the internet on a TV sucked because trying to read normal-sized text from six feet away was hard, and bumping the text size up would goof up the page layout generally. Same reason word processing would be silly.

    That is if the price is about $500.
    I'm predicting a price around $400, but I'm also expecting a streaming device.

    Some unanswered questions are where are they going to get the bandwidth to do all this? You will have to have a cable subscription, perhaps just a basic subscription, but even then bandwidth is limited.
    What bandwidth? The stuff you watch is downloaded to your Mac first, or even the iTV itself. They don't stream it every time you want to watch it. The iTunes Store is open for business for movies. The bandwidth problem has already been addressed.

    This could be very interesting. I have often wondered why all the cable companies and satellite companies are within $5 pricing difference of each other?
    That's lack of competition caused by effects of previous government sanctioned monopolies. And some "cooperation" by the different players in the industry. Kinda like how airline tickets and auto insurance are all pretty much the same.

    insanity workout calendar. Insanity workout calendar
  • Insanity workout calendar

  • yac_moda
    Jul 20, 09:06 PM
    That is the general trend of the stock market. And the US economy.

    Late spring/summer... market trends flat to down. People are more interested in vacations than working.

    Sept. market rallies briefly as people get back to work.

    No I TOTALLY figured this one out. Its during this period that taxes get paid, either at the end of march or late until Aug. and with businesses this is cheap and easy to do. So people sell stock to pay their taxes and that depresses the market -- especially if they made a lot of money which could have been on stocks thus it is guaranteed to happen.

    October is traditionally the worst month to be in stocks. Every major crash has happened in October.

    But Oct. is also the second or third biggest gaining month.

    Nov-Dec the market usually rallies. I attribute this to Christmas and bonuses/performance rating. Money managers need to boost their performance numbers for the year so they pump up stocks, usually pouring into any stock that has performed decently. It may not go up, but at least they can say they were in winning stocks.

    Jan-early spring usually has selling. A combination of cashing out of the Christmas rally and tax selling.

    Yes, I have heard these before in many places but I think there are larger money movers that actually create it although I am not sure what they are.

    Although Christmas is no doubt BIG, I think corp. hiring and purchasing to start new projects is what rules the January effect, but there should other things I have not thought of.

    Certainly with product intro ruled stocks like tech stocks Christmas and the new years creates a big effect.

    I think the #1 shifter of market fortunes though is USA Presidents and popular pres. end of 8 years as pres. cause a big down effect. Especially now that we have had good feds for so many years, that hold back on the money supply although the HYPER WW competition created by the internet may actually be the BIGGEST force here.

    And most pres. now days are smart enough to restrict the money supply strictly during their first 2 years otherwise all hell can break loose.

    Bush didn't need to do this, 911 did it, but the lack of lowing taxes and gradual secret tax hikes by Clinton were VERY BAD for the economy.

    The presidential transition and voting problems blew-out the economies back !!!

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  • insanity workout calendar.

  • jsm4182
    Feb 27, 01:49 AM
    The rule is actually very simple as far as the LCD ones go:
    LCD <20" = Studio Display (15" and 17")
    Any LCD 20" or larger = Cinema Display (Watch the G4 Sawtooth intro on youtube, and you see the very first 22" DVI-D (Pre ADC) Cinema Display which was a BTO option on the 450 and 500Mhz PowerMac G4s in 1999. That was the first gen. The Aluminium ones are about the 4th I believe (22" DVI-D, 22" ADC, 20 and 23" ADC/Acryllic, then the 20" Aluminium ones).

    I thought all the plastic ones were called studio displays, didn't realize the bigger ones were called cinema. My mistake.

    I used to use them in College, the video lab had MDD PowerMac G4s, each with a 22 and 17.

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  • Recovery Workout Schedule

  • macnews
    Jul 20, 02:33 AM
    *Most critical applications will be converted by September*


    I found this to be most interesting. I think we could actually see some Adobe apps by Septemeber. Adobe has been going on an 18-24 month cycle and based when CS2 was released Sept/Oct would be 18 months and 24 would be April when Adobe has said basically "no later than".

    insanity workout calendar. Insanity workout calendar
  • Insanity workout calendar

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 09:37 PM
    Isn't this utterly fantastic? These are the kinds of updates we used to get before Apple went all iPhone and iPad crazy. Glad to see they are finally giving such love to their Pro customers. Although i imagine this has been in the pipeline for a very long time!

    Remember when Apple had to delay Leopard in order to finish iOS? They are such a tight ship that they had to shift people from one major OS project to another.

    Apple hasn't been neglecting final cut. Many of these technologies have been in development for the past 4 years, and a major software project like this-- a ground up rewrite, remember-- should take about 4 years to produce.

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  • GreatestDane
    Jan 30, 07:53 AM
    I can't imagine many thieves break into cars to try to steal a built-in navigation system that is in full view on the car's dashboard though.

    Maybe not in the US, but in Denmark built-in navigation costs in the region of 10000$ (I don't know how much it is in America), and if you see a car with it, you immediately think: "those people have money.", and if a thief (burglar?) thinks so to he is more likely to steal (from) your car.

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  • P90x + Insanity Schedule

  • Veldek
    Aug 25, 05:15 AM
    I hope the same thing, was planning on buying one to.
    Is Germany going to raise their taxes ?? To how much 20% 21% Like in Belgium ... Way too high :rolleyes:

    .C.They are raising from 16% to 19% starting in 2007. :(

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  • insanity workout schedule

  • Consultant
    Mar 25, 03:59 PM
    Great news. And so thin!

    iPad 1 does not support HDMI out, so I'm assuming no, it doesn't work.


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  • insanity workout schedule

  • lilo777
    Apr 19, 05:20 PM
    Supplies are constrained? Why do people think that this is because of imminent refresh? Maybe it's because Samsung already started limiting Apple component supplies (like RAM?) :D

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  • swarmster
    Sep 14, 08:57 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    Consumer Reports says "we still think the same thing" for the third time and that's first page news? Sounds more like they're fishing for free publicity.

    Anyway, when a reviewing organization "doesn't recommend" what I consider the best phone I've ever owned, it sounds more like I shouldn't bother paying attention to that reviewing organization. Their taste just isn't relevant to mine.

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  • What do you understand about Insanity Workout Calendar pdf ? I always confused by thes words. On this occasion I searched some information from the web,

  • twoodcc
    Nov 29, 02:04 PM
    Can't wait for MWSF to get some more details from Steve! Between this, the iPhone, an iTablet and the new widescreen video iPod there will be plenty for him to reveal - along with our iLife 07 and Leopard previews as well. ;) :cool:

    i agree. can't wait til January! hopefully i'll have some money saved up for one of those things

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  • RevAbs 90-Day Ab Workout

  • puckhead193
    Apr 12, 10:23 PM
    Would like to see a demo as well as new Mac pros to go with it

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  • Icaras
    Apr 19, 11:58 AM
    desktops are slowly but surely dying out. Notebooks are becoming more and more powerful and even moreso portable so what will an iMac offer that MacBooks won't have? Larger screen

    Which is why desktops won't die out.

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  • Counter
    Nov 18, 09:29 AM
    iTunes saw much less improvements?


    iTunes runs perfectly well on a G4 400mhz.

    8-Cores ain't for anything remotely normal, let alone listening to music.

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  • insanity workout schedule

    Apr 3, 01:46 PM
    Apple is Apple and the king of the hill with respect to the tablet sector. Android is attempting to catch up, and therefore not on top.

    The reason this ad works so well is because it is not in your face, trying to give you a spec list of what it can do. People already know what is under the hood and what its hardware can do, the point of the ad is to entice, to get those who are on other platforms to come on over.

    This ad is about subtle confidence and that is why it is a home-run. Android, well they can keep trying with their used car salesman approach.

    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

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  • insanity workout schedule

  • kntgsp
    Sep 14, 10:28 AM

    I agree with you on the points that Apple does need a reminder of where it stands in the consumer/producer relationship every now and then, just as any other company does. Consumer Reports generally does a good job with facilitating this. I'd much rather a major publication start taking Apple to task about not allowing sideloading/locking down the device though to be honest.

    My issue, from a personal viewpoint as an iPhone and Android user, is the way the iPhone4 antenna issue was approached and in my opinion blown out of proportion in terms of the net effect.

    Yes the phone suffers a -20dB attenuation when you hold the device and bridge that antenna. My HTC Desire gave me a -14dB attenuation when I held it in one hand and my Galaxy S gives me -18dB when holding it in one hand. The only difference is that the attenuation on the iPhone4 is possible by simply bridging that antenna with your pinky finger rather than needing to hold the device.

    The point there is that how often does someone do that where they lay a device on a table and touch that particular spot with a pinky finger? Or why would someone do that? The issue is that the signal attenuates when the device is held. But every phone suffers that to some degree, with even phones that have internal antennas giving comparable attenuation when held in your hand.

    They focused quite a bit on "if I touch the device just like this when it's laying down it gives me the attenuation" despite the fact no one does that. They should have looked at it from a net user experience, where "does a -20dB attenuation make a phone not recommendable compared to a phone with only a -15dB attenuation" being the more deciding factor.

    To me personally, I can't see how someone can recommend a phone that gives you -15 to -18dB attenuation when held and then not recommend a phone that gives you -20dB simply because it can also be reproduced by touching a marked spot with your pinky if the device is laying on a table. That's not to say that Apple should be proud that their phone also attenuates (and usually more so by varying degrees), but where's the cutoff?

    Is -19dB the maximum allowable attenuation before you say something isn't recommendable? I think that's a fair question to ask.

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  • calendar, insanity workout

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 08:44 PM
    I know this thread is probably full of pro video geeks so don't eat me alive here. What's the primary difference between FCP and Express aside from the fact that Final Cut Pro is packaged in a suite of applications?

    Pro takes more video formats. It has a few other tools, I think.

    It's basically designed so that if you really are a hobbyist with an HDV camcorder you really won't notice a difference between the 2 since the extra things FCP has are things you'd never use anyway.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 20, 05:50 PM
    There actually is a fair correlation here with homeopathy. Both involve "cures". Homeopathy claims that their process will (or might) treat or cure a specific ailment that is troubling you. This Exodus thing misrepresents a natural condition as a problem that requires curing. Both of these "therapies" require co�peration on the part of the victim.

    Then, of course, is the fundamental problem with the app store itself. Apple's unbridled pursuit of maximum profit to the exclusion of any sort of side-loading option (short of jailbreaking) makes this an issue in the first place. If there were app ghettos and app alleys, this issue would not come up.

    Mar 21, 11:36 PM
    I think that allowing Gaddafi to remain in power at this point is not an option for anything but the immediate short-term. But it is the Libyan people who ultimately must remove him. The rebels' policy is ending the Gaddafi regime, and they have refused to negotiate on that point. Currently they have a strong hand - as long as they can keep Gaddafi at bay (effectively with coalition help) he will go nowhere. At best he can try to hold on to Tripoli and the remaining loyalist towns. Any attempt to re-take rebel-held territory will be opposed by both the rebels and the UN-mandated coalition.

    The smart thing to have done would have been to sit this one out, then make nicey-nice with the victors. Why we think the Arab common masses will suddenly love us once we go in with bombs flying and reduce a sizable portion of their country to parking lot status is beyond me.

    I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the end result of all this is not at all dissimilar to the goings-on in Iraq.

    Oct 23, 07:45 AM
    yes baby. give me my mormom MBP!:D

    I stopped wondering whether they'll come at all...;)

    Dec 19, 05:28 PM
    yep, a good thing for sure. we are doing better as a team for real now. just gotta keep people interested and involved

    Too bad we can't get an occational mention on the front page of this here website! ARN, are you out there, hint, hint... I'd write something to post on the front page but I'm not a good writer :D

    Jun 23, 07:08 AM
    Okay, but I cannot live without full featured Photoshop and Final Cut Pro. Also, I can't live without extensions like Perian, applications like Transmission, Cyberduck and VLC. I don't see how those would make it into iOS, through Apple's approval system. I need custom built applications and less "official" stuff as well. I'm fine with my iPod Touch not letting me run everything I run on my Mac, but I need my computer to be able to do EVERYTHING. I'm sure Apple loves iOS and wants to deploy it everywhere they can, but I'm also sure they don't want to stop with OS X. Now Steve has said recently that PCs are like trucks and that they'll still be around but only for people who really need them. If that's the case, PCs are no longer going to be consumer devices, so they won't have the good support they have now (new features regularly, updates, etc...) So we're going to be left behind if we want to keep using a computer for what a computer really is: everything.

    I love the idea of iOS but that's because it makes sense that an iPhone or iPad cannot run a conventional OS. A real desktop computer with a touch screen would have many problems such as precision. Also I can't see iOS adopting custom built drivers and applications for custom hardware and stuff like that. Yes iOS rocks for most people who only use a computer for Facebook, MSN and browsing the web. But I feel like that's totally not me, and I don't want to get left out of all the innovation. We're seeing Apple focus more and more on iOS and leaving OS X behind a bit could be one of their next moves. I don't want OS X to end up like Final Cut Pro: rarely updated and with an interface that comes from the past millennium.

    There's no indication that this would be the case, but I'm sure it would work for Apple and most people.

    Jul 18, 01:48 AM
    If I'm going to spend all that time downloading a movie, I should at least be able to keep it. Bah.
    I'd rather them just be streamed if it is indeed going to be rentals.

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